UseTrendCheck, UseTrendReversal, TrendCandleHistoryCount, TrendCheckNoOfCandles, TrendCheckTimeframe, TrendRestMinutes

UseTrendCheck, UseTrendReversal, TrendCandleHistoryCount, TrendCheckNoOfCandles, TrendCheckTimeframe, TrendRestMinutes

This technical analysis will use trend movement to place BUY/SELL.

The trend is determined by how many candles are going on the same direction. This number of candles is based on the value specified in TrendCheckNoOfCandles. For example, if TrendCheckNoOfCandles is set to 4, it means that when the last 4 candles are red, SELL signal will be executed. And similarly, when the last 4 candles are green, BUY signal will be executed.

TrendCheckTimeframe is the timeframe bot needs to check for the red/green candles.

TrendRestMinutes is the length of time (in minutes) of which bot should “take rest” from initiating a trade after the last order execution. This can be useful just so bot doesn’t keep creating positions on the same candle.

TrendCandleHistoryCount is used to tell bot how long it needs to store BUY/SELL signal. It is useful when combining this TA with other TAs.

UseTrendReversal, when enabled, will cause bot to listen for alternate pattern. If last signal was BUY, then bot will only listen for SELL signal for the next one. After SELL signal is executed, then it will listen for BUY for the next one, etc.

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