EnableEngulfing, EngulfingCandleHistoryCount, EngulfingAllowSameCandle, EngulfingPeriod

EnableEngulfing, EngulfingCandleHistoryCount, EngulfingAllowSameCandle, EngulfingPeriod

This technical analysis will produce BUY/SELL signal when engulfing candle is found.

There is “bullish” and “bearish” engulfing candle. Using the last closed candle, an engulfing candle is when the last closed candle’s high, low and body are longer ie. engulfing the previous candle (2nd last candle).

The Bullish Engulfing means the last close’s candle was in green and engulfed the previously red candle.

Bearish Engulfing is the other way around, that last close’s candle was in red and engulfed the previously green candle.

When Bullish Engulfing candle is determined, a BUY signal is produced. And vice versa, when a Bearish engulfing candle is determined, a SELL signal is produced.

EngulfingCandleHistoryCount is used to tell bot how long it needs to store the BUY/SELL signal for. It is useful if you need to use this TA in conjunction with other TAs.

EngulfingAllowSameCandle is used to tell bot of whether it is allowed to place multiple trades within the same candle. For example, a BUY signal is produced and bot trades. It then closes for profit quickly. When EngulfingAllowSameCandle is set to TRUE, bot will place another BUY trade since it still recognises the signal.

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